The heartbreaking storyline portraying the tragic reality of Motor Neurons Disease came to a very emotional end on the cobbles of Coronation Street earlier this week.

Since character Paul Foreman’s MND diagnosis back in April 2023, viewers of the Yorkshire-based soap saw his health steadily decline, becoming increasingly reliant on specialist mobility equipment and requiring round-the-clock support from family and friends.

Medical Hire were privileged to have been involved in the storyline from the outset, supplying a variety of mobility products at appropriate times as Paul’s condition evolved.

Early-on in the storyline, we teamed up with sister company Independence Mobility to supply a Quickie Q300 powered wheelchair for Shelley Rossington – a character that Paul met through an MND support group. Working with mobility specialists at Independence Mobility ensured that the correct wheelchair was provided for the character’s specific needs, and accuracy was maintained throughout the scenes.

A few months later, we also supplied a Seating Matters Sorrento specialist chair for Shelley, for scenes with herself and Paul at her home. With Paul’s walking becoming unsteady, a walking aid was also provided for him to use.

As Paul’s condition continued to deteriorate throughout 2023, he eventually became reliant on the use of a wheelchair. We again supplied a Quickie Q300 powered wheelchair, which he could drive and steer with a joystick controller whilst he was still able to do so.

A short time later and Paul’s speech started to become affected, so he was assessed by a speech and language therapist. For these scenes, we supplied adaptive cutlery and a nursing beaker.

During 2024, viewers saw Paul’s condition deteriorate yet further. He lost his ability to use his wheelchair independently and became reliant on others pushing him around. For this change in condition, we swapped the Quickie Q300 powered wheelchair for a Rea Azalea tilt-in-space wheelchair, which is ideal for patients requiring higher levels of postural support.

Due to safety reasons when using his chair lift, Paul eventually became confined to the flat he shared with husband Billy. For scenes set in their home, we supplied a Seating Matters Phoenix specialist chair. The most supportive of the Seating Matters range and designed highly dependent patients with complex needs, the Phoenix was the ideal choice.

As Paul’s final day sadly grew closer, he started to have episodes with breathing difficulties. For these scenes, we supplied a portable Lowenstein ventilation machine, along with accompanying accessories and consumables.

Our support of the storyline continued until the very emotional end. For Paul’s final scenes in the hospital, we supplied a number of items including a Huntleigh Smart Signs patient monitor, and range of accessories.

Working on the MND storyline with the cast and crew of Coronation Street to help raise awareness of this devastating disease, has been a real privilege for the Medical Hire team. We send huge congratulations to actor Peter Ash for winning Serial Drama Performance at this week’s National Television Awards for his powerful portrayal of Paul throughout the storyline.


If you’re planning a medical storyline or scenes set in a healthcare environment, get in touch to find out how we can help. Call 0113 2628000 or email


*Images courtesy of ITV